The call for Internet and Netflix taxes are not the only demands raised by Canadian cultural groups regarding online video services. Many groups argue that the services should be required to make Canadian content more prominent, citing the challenge of “discoverability” of Canadian content in a world of seemingly unlimited choice. While the ACTRA call for government sanctions against search engines that refuse to prioritize Cancon in search results is an extreme example, many have asked the Broadcast and Telecommunications Legislative Review panel to either mandate that a certain percentage of the Netflix library consist of Canadian content or that it more actively promote Cancon on the service.
For example, Unifor wants to mandate that 20 per cent of Netflix television content be Canadian:
That 20 per cent of non-feature film programming available to subscribers be Canadian; that no less than 5 per cent of English language feature films be Canadian; and that no less than 8 per cent of French-language features films be Canadian.
Meanwhile, ACTRA calls for a 20 per cent across the board requirement:
All services offering on-demand programming content to Canadian consumers, including OTT services and music streaming services – regardless of the technology used to distribute the content – maintain a minimum of 20 per cent of Canadian content in the program selections offered to consumers.
Others focus on greater prominence for Canadian content. The CBC recommends:
Players operating in the Canadian system should provide appropriate prominence to Canadian content choices through search, menus and recommendations.
The CRTC hints at a similar requirement in the name of discoverability:
Whether it be music, podcasts, short‑form video, a one-hour drama series, feature-length film or any other type of content, regardless of what platform it is offered on, all stakeholders should be obligated and incented to promote and make content by Canadians discoverable, including government funding supports.
But how hard is it to find Canadian content on Netflix? It turns out, not very. Last weekend, I created a new Netflix account to see what someone with no algorithmic viewing history would find. I started with a simple search for Canada, which provided the following result featuring several Canadian shows (Kim’s Convenience, Frontier, and Schitt’s Creek).

Netflix Canada Search
The result also included the option to click on links for Canadian TV Shows, Canadian Movies, and more. Once I clicked on those links, dozens of shows and movies popped up.

Netflix Canada Search Results
After streaming about ten hours of Canadian shows – Schitt’s Creek, Kim’s Convenience, Frontier, and Heartland – I noticed that my main Netflix page now featured Canadian shows in the Popular on Netflix tab.

Popular on Netflix
and a new Celebrating Canadian People, Places, and Stories tab appeared on the main page.

Netflix Celebrating Canadian People, Places, and Stories
Not all of this content is strictly Cancon under the points system. Alongside “official” Cancon, there are programs filmed in Canada, starring Canadian actors, or featuring Canadian stories. Some might argue that only official Cancon counts. However, Canadian actors or local film production does matter: much of it counts toward Cancon points, benefits the country economically, and reflects a connection to the country. Regardless of how it is measured, however, the reality is that Netflix already has a sizable Canadian library, giving subscribers the option to watch hundreds of hours of Canadian content. Apparently, all it takes is a simple search for “Canada.”
This is a bit disingenuous. I think what many perhaps most people are complaining about is the relative lack of net *new* (in contrast to retread or syndicated) content. Your searches, in so far as the Netflix search facility is adequate to the task — which it isn’t, might better be shaped “Netflix original Canadian productions.”
What a bunch of welfare bums and thieves. Elon Musk can not get those 5G satellite up fast enough then you can kiss our asses goodbye! Criminals the lot of you and your day is coming mark my words your thievery will end.
thank you for this helpful article ..
20% across the board would be a ridiculous requirement anyway because of the number of niche streaming services that now exist specifically for fans of international programming…how are BritBox and Crunchyroll supposed to hit 20% Canadian content?
It’s all about the greed, how much can we force them to pay now! After all they have always had the crtc in their pockets as history proves so why not now.
If I’m not mistaken, some Canadian shows have taken off in other places like the US because of Netflix’s distribution deals with Canadian production companies.
In particular, Kim’s Convenience and Schitt’s Creek have found new audiences around the world because of Netflix.
Pingback: CBC CEO’s CanCon remarks don’t hold up, says prof - The Fulcrum
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Canadian actors and filming locations do not count. I don’t buy that. These aren’t Canadian stories. These aren’t showcases of Canadian writing. These are Canadians being told to hide who they are and play Americans. These filming locations are doing the same. “Canadian places” that are playing as American places. Vancouver is the worst example of it all. I tire of seeing Canadian stuff being present as American stuff. It’s not Canadian unless it can proclaim it. I’m sick of American TV and American stories.
Canadian TV and film is very boring and low budget acting mostly
That’s why we go to such lengths to get US programming, grey market dishes, vpn’s you name it cause we’re sick of this sh** Canadian programming no matter what the Dudley gooders day about how great it is and what wonderful Canadian stories can be told! It’s all garbage and we should stick to news.